
Lab: Ansible, Python3, and Virtualenvs on CentOS and RHEL

Lab: Ansible, Python3, and Virtualenvs on CentOS and RHEL

Overview Virtualenvs make considerable sense, discussed in more depth here, in any complex python or Ansible environment. In the HOWTO, or lab, we’ll quickly get a python 3 virtualenv up and running on a RHEL or CentOS system. This article is written making use of one of Red Hat’s Lab Environments running RHEL, in this case on AWS, however this should run fine on CentOS standalone systems. Obviously your repo configurations may vary so adjust to taste, I’ve assumed a pretty minimal install and have opted for CentOS available repos.
Ansible and Virtualenvs Part 1 - Why

Ansible and Virtualenvs Part 1 - Why

Ansible and virtualenvs What started out as a single post quickly became overly long and still didn’t touch on some of the more advanced topics, plus it was marked draft for way too long. Welcome instead to a series on effectively using Ansible and virtualenvs together. Much of this is relevant in a non-Ansible context, however, it is written from an Ansible perspective. Why virtualenvs for Ansible Part 1(this article)

Ansible and Virtualenvs Series

Short collection of articles and posts dealing with Python and virtualenvs, particularly from the perspective of Ansible. Ansible and Virtualenvs Part 1 - Why HOWTO: Quick Start with Ansible, Python3, and Virtualenvs on CentOS and RHEL pip cheatsheet Virtualenv deep dive - what this space! Planned May 2019!